Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Welcome, One And All

As a birthday treat to myself, and a gracious gesture to you all, I thought I would publish my wine diary on this "intarwebs" I have heard so much about. I am, of course, not typing this myself... I dictate to a small Florentine boy with stronger fingers and more time to spare for that. I pay him well, in sherry. I need my own fingers to crack open bottles of champagne, and dial, on my old rotary phone, a myriad of bookings at exceptionally exquisite restaurants...

Or do I? Isn't it always nicer when you can read someone's blog without knowing who they are, or anything about them to taint your opinion of what they write?

So, as of today, I shall be bringing you both details of my findings as I trudge through the world of wine and spirits, and taking on recommendations for anything else you would like to see appearing in such a "blog". I try to be as unbiased as I can, and lack any sort of snobbery (except towards drunkards and lager louts, for whom I have no time at all). Alcohol is capable of being a piece of art, and as such, we should respect it. You wouldn't vigorously rub yourself against the Mona Lisa in appreciation, singing a garbled cover of "Build Me Up Buttercup"; you stand back and admire, with deep thought and objectivity. The same approach applies to wine.

Hopefully you'll find my advice useful and, if not, you can always open a (welcome) debate with me on the matter.

Now, just let me finish this bottle of amber deliciousness that rests in front of me, and I'll get right back to you.

1 comment:

  1. Woo im all excited :D I love mystery wine :o
